========================================== Include/Exclude Optional Metadata Sections ========================================== Some scenarios when creating metadata do not require the use of all available FGDC metadata sections, such as when creating a project-level metadata record, which can be used to summarize a collection of metadata records relating to a project. Creating such a metadata record can be accomplished in Metadata Wizard by using the **Include Sections** feature. This feature is located on the Advanced menu. These are reset to include all sections whenever a new record is opened. |image0| The default is for all sections to be active, designated by a checkmark to the left of each section. To deactivate a section, click that section. The section's checkmark will be removed, and the section's tab in the main window of the tool will be blank. **Users should be advised that generally, all sections are required when creating metadata at the dataset level.** .. |image0| image:: ../img/IncludeSections.png